SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE kicked things off in 2004, with a lineup of guitarist MARC MOORE (CAT POWER, LYNNFIELD PIONEERS), guitarist/organist PAT “PAPA CRAZEE” SULLIVAN (OAKLEY HALL, ex-ONEIDA), bassist B.L. TRUAX (HOME, ex-DAN MELCHIOR’S BROKE REVUE), drummer KID MILLIONS (Oneida, MAN FOREVER), and synth player BARRY LONDON (Home, ex-THE VAN PELT). Not long after their first show, the world at large suffered the tragic loss of Mr. Moore, but the band kept on going in his memory, getting together every time the stars aligned just so, and its members found themselves in the same place. Over the years, their always evolving lineup has grown to include MIKE BONES on guitar, as well as contributions from guitarists MATT SWEENEY (late of CHAVEZ and collaborations with Will Oldham, a/k/a Bonnie “Prince” Billy), JESPER EKLOW (ENDLESS BOOGIE), and drummer ALLISON BUSCH (AWESOME COLOR). Ball Strenth (featuring Truax, Millions, London, Bones, Crazee & Sweeney) is the Soldiers’ long-awaited debut, which windsprints through classic Southern-styled rock ‘n’ roll, extendo psychedelic guitar battles, restless rhythmic intensity and blues chooglin’ with the best of ‘em. It’s also the sound of friends getting together after long absences to play great music, and remind us out there in listener-land why we should care in the first place. If you’re left standing after the colossal, 17-plus-minute crush of the closer “Worm,” you may ascend. Edition of 1,000 copies with silkscreened covers.
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