"The music is inspired by a bleak and dark time in a stagnant chaos. Mørk is a landmark of my earlier works, but the sound and aesthetics are radically different. It is more analogue, mature, and, interestingly, the texts are in Danish. I feel it's a whole new beginning for me."
The result of this reinvention of expression is an EP split into two sides.
Side A is characterized by dreamy vocals, acoustic horns and a tight sound built upon a foundation of heavy electronic beats. Beautiful melodies and dark lyrics intertwine with Mortenson’s musical ferocity and fierceness.
In contrast, Side B is driven by floating acoustic surfaces, reverb and minimal pieces. Where the previous set of tracks induces the urge to run out and experience the world, this side conjures reflection, patience and profoundness. Here Mortenson uncovers her demons, angels and the fragile aspects of existence in ways that capture the listener with intimacy.
In both sides a Scandinavian sound shines throughout, but there is a clear and nuanced interaction with other musical traditions and cultures, making Mørk in many ways an indefinable lovechild of unknown parents.