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DIRTY THREE - Love Changes Everything LP

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  • Normaler Preis €27,00
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After more than a decade, Dirty Three are back and present their first album since "Toward The Low Sun". With music as their language, their true love, the Australians are bringing their exuberant instrumental sound back to the release landscape.

Dirty Three - that's Warren Ellis (also known as a member of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds), Mick Turner and Jim White - formed in Melbourne in 1992 to make music with guitar, drums, violin or viola. Within a few years they had managed to break out of their home country Australia and everything else they knew - and became known worldwide.
Over the next ten years they toured the world incessantly and released seven albums along the way. After that, their unique playing style, which fits together like individual puzzle pieces to form a whole, was repeatedly taken apart and reassembled in numerous collaborations with other important artists (Nick Cave, Cat Power, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, PJ Harvey, Nina Nastasia).
Over the past 20 years, Dirty Three have met every now and then, renewed their vows, revved up their engines and played a few shows or recorded an album - just like now - Dirty Three's ninth album.