It’s all in a haze…
Time and life has happened and memories fade. These recordings were made in 1991 and 1992 when we were proudly surfing our mid teens and spending enormous amounts of time in the studio. Every weekend was spent upstairs at Zwarre’s house with analogue synths, VHS sessions watching splatter movies and Psychic TV’s ”8Transmissions8”, going through the Paul Kelday and Sound of Pig cassettes, reading zines to find out more about bands and labels operating the experimental music world, and dreaming about a life away.
Alvars Orkester had been going since ’87 and we had lost a few members so we were down to a duo. We had gone from being kind of all over the place, to investigating how sound affect your mind, and narrow it down. Recording together were magic moments, and it did change me to whoever I am today. These vague memories are dear to me.
- Joachim Nordwall, Brännö, August 9th 2021