A great hardcore punk band takes you on a journey, and VIOLENCIA brings you on a ride through a series of dystopian tales. Political, angry, talented, and hailing for Tijuana Mexico, VIOLENCIA have been tearing it up since 2019 including major tours through the west coast and DIY fest appearances. The band is like a spiritual successor or maybe non-affiliated extension of LOS CRUDOS, mixing a pissed political message and Spanish lyrics. VIOLENCIA mix dirges with blastbeats for a really varied twelve song 12” EP. Highly listenable, completely varied, and this will be an LP that is over before you know and you will flip from B side back to A and give it another listen before putting it away. In their words “El powerviolence no esta muerto!” Vinyl is sold out and we are soon working on a repress, this is a run of 100 cassettes.