Soft Office

PUBLIC RELATIONS - Public Relations LP + Zine

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  • Normaler Preis €28,00
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A group of eight musicians and writers came together on the island of Vlieland in December 2021, to do whatever they felt like doing.

The group: Pelumi Adejumo, Ricky Cherim (Meetsysteem), Yulya Divakova (Giant Julie), Marvin Lalihatu (Animistic Beliefs), Adura Sulaiman (Future Husband), Sanam Tahmasebi (Sanamika), Arie van Vliet (Lewsberg) and Yvonne Zeegers.

The result: this 19-track album called ‘Public Relations’, filled with music, poetry and field recordings. Plus a zine about everything the group talked about on the island.