Bis Aufs Messer Weekly News 01 August 2024
Hi. Welcome to another newsletter for August. A bunch of restocks arrived by Indian Summer, Lync, Karate, Lincoln, Moss Icon, Fiddlehead, Falling Forward, Sunny Day real Estate etc … also X MAL DEUTSCHLAND singles LPs are back in stock, CHRYSTABELL & DAVID LYNCH - Cellophane Memories LP on Sacred Bones, FUJI||||||||||TA - MMM LP, A few left overs from FREDDY ALVA - Wardance BOOK and the OI! THE BLACK BOOK VOL 2 + CROWN COURT FLEXI, TOMIN - Flores para Verene / Cantos para Caramina LP on Internation Anthem is in along with restock of the SML LP. A Couple new and old YOUNG AND COLD releases like the NÜRNBERG - Paharda LP, TWIN TRIBES restock, YAKIMA JERA - Azrael Take My Hand LP and other stuff.
We also taking pre orders for the upcoming LÄUTEN DER SEELE – Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche LP - which is already sold out at the label - those ship later this month.
We also added (adding) a few more second hand LPs and 7“s to our discogs
Thank you as usual
Til then thank you for all your orders & support.
Robert & Norman
BERGUR ANDERSON - Unisong LP (future residenza - Unisong is like a second chapter in Bergur's troubadour/trobairitz research (after Around the Songster's Commune, 2022) and an exploration into/practicing of Bergur's own poetic and melodic ability. It's a beautiful experiment in unifying and synthesizing something of a conceptual nature with something autobiographical. Let's call it bare, easy-feeling, domestic pop. 'Bare' naked -- and as in not-too-much-production. 'Easy-feeling' because that's how it feels. 'Domestic' a la John Lennon, Watching the Wheels, and as in home and living a life. 'Pop' because it is; because it's for everyone. It's about travelling, longing, searching, finding -- love.) 30.00
DIE BEAMTEN - Völker hört die Signale LP (White Vinyl. - Viel ist aus dem Bereich DDR Punk in den letzten Jahren veröffentlicht worden. Ob man das alles haben muss, bleibt jedem selbst überlassen. Eine besondere Perle wird aber erst jetzt gehoben. Die Beamten gründeten sich um 1986/87, spielten auf dem legendären Frühlingsfest der Alösakirche, in Kirchen der gesamten Republik, Klubs und trotz fehlender Einstufungspapiere sogar beim Tierpark Extrem Festival. Sie veröffentlichten ein Split Tape mit den legendären Re-Aktion aus Potsdam. Geblieben sind diese wunderbaren Aufnahmen mit abwechselndem weiblichem- und männlichem Gesang. Mal lustig, mal politisch, mal gesellschaftskritisch. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legte die Band um die heutige Punkrockurgestein Stunk (heute Es war Mord ) auf die aufkommende Neonaziszene in der DDR. Dabei ist es der Band anzumerken, dass hier Leute am Werk waren die ihre Instrumente beherrschten und wussten was sie tun. Die alten Aufnahmen wurden für die LP aufwendig gemastert und überarbeitet, um das Beste herauszuholen was die alten Bänder hergaben. Die Platte kommt mit 16-seitigem Vollfarbbeiheft mit Bildern, allen Texten und der Geschichte der Band. Ein downloadcode für alle die keinen Plattenspieler besitzen liegt selbstverständlich bei.) 20.00
CHRYSTABELL & DAVID LYNCH - Cellophane Memories LP (sacred bones - The origin of Chrysta Bell and David Lynch’s album Cellophane Memories comes from a vision that David experienced during a nighttime walk through a forest of tall trees, over the tops of which he saw a bright light. As he recalls it, the light became the lilt of Chrystabell’s voice and revealed a secret to him. It is from these mysterious convergences of light and sound, day and night, starry sky and black forest that Chrystabell and David’s collaboration has continued to blossom. For Cellophane Memories, the two have traveled through different portals. Fittingly, many of the songs are set in fairytale forests, mountain peaks, swimming holes, crepus-cular highways and darkened bedrooms. These are the abodes of both loneliness and romance, the sorts of sublime landscapes where people often travel alone in search of a wayward lover. But they are also shapeless atmospheres—of color, weather and breath: blue and white skies, red roses, darkening thunderheads, swirling winds and summer perfumes, which quickly immerse the traveler in the supernatural sensations of other worlds.) 27.00
DIE LIKE A DOG - Fragments of Music, Life and Death of Albert Ayler DLP (cine fuegos - As opening salvos go, this one ranks pretty high. The first release from an incendiary all-world quartet billing themselves as Die Like a Dog, this record stuns at first listen, and retains its ability to fascinate even after prolonged exposure. Taking inspiration from the "music, life and death of Albert Ayler,' these four masters use Ayler's themes and approach as cues to create a new sonic world, located somewhere between Miles' spacey 70s excursions and Ayler's own fire music. Essential, for fans of any/all of these musicians. ) 40.00
FORESTEPPE - No Time To Hurry LP (Pastoral ambient-folk based on field recordings, acoustic elements and tape loops… LTD to 150 copies) 30.00
FUJI||||||||||TA - MMM LP (hallow ground - FUJI||||||||||TA returns to Hallow Ground with his second full-length for the Swiss label after it had released his international breakthrough album "iki" in early 2020. Active since 2006, the Japanese composer and sound artist has become prolific since the release of "iki," releasing a slew of records while also touring the world. His new album "MMM" is Yosuke Fujita's most complex so far. Changing the set-up of his pipe organ by switching to an electric air pump allowed him to activate new sonic and compositional potentials of the instrument, while he also expanded upon his experiments with his own voice."MMM" is a masterpiece of conceptual and formal rigour-a testament to how multi-layered and versatile the music of FUJI||||||||||TA can be.) 27.00
J.R.C.G. - Grim Iconic...(Sadistic Mantra) LP (sub pop - To experience Justin R. Cruz Gallego’s pulverizing Sub Pop debut is to get burned down to ashes and burst forth, born anew. Grim Iconic...(Sadistic Mantra), the Tacoma-based artist’s second album, is driven by opposing forces: noisy abstractions and tightly structured beats, anguish and dissolution at the outside world and empowerment within, apathy and catharsis. Grim Iconic...(Sadistic Mantra) weds scouring electronics to hooky songs and Gallego’s powerful drumming in a way that feels visceral and new. It’s his most personal statement to date, at once playful and intent, driven and combustible, total fucking chaos mixed into glints of broken-glass beauty. Born in Tucson, Arizona, Gallego experienced culture shock as a child after relocating to the frigid climes of the Pacific Northwest. He found solace in the Seattle punk scene centered around Iron Lung Records and has since remained a fixture in the underground community.) 30.00
LÄUTEN DER SEELE – Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche LP PRE ORDER (hands in the dark - THIS IS A PRE ORDER ITEM - THIS SHIPS AROUND AUGUST 20th Christian Schoppik aka Läuten der Seele brings his “Water” trilogy to a close with his new album ‘Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche’ (The Journey to Monsalwäsche) following up ‘Die Mariengrotte als Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlage’ (2022, Hands in the Dark) and ‘Ertrunken im seichtesten Gewässer’ (2023, World of Echo). This final instalment takes the listener on a sacred odyssey searching for the fulfilment of one's (or is it his own?) spiritual destiny, from beginning (‘Entschluss, Abschied & Aufbruch’ / ‘Decision, Farewell & Departure’) to end (‘Verirrung, Ankunft & Erlösung’ / ‘Losing Way, Arrival & Salvation’). While the compositional technique of this opus still relies primarily on samples and altered audio-collages, each chapter of the trilogy was intentionally created from very different sources. The present collection is arguably less "experimental" than some of Läuten der Seele's previous works, as classical music takes center stage this time. However the mastery in crafting such magnificent and intriguing narratives sees the simplicity and emotional depth of these sonic mariages become the beauty of it all. Schoppik remains consistent as ever in his creative explorations, and this release feels very much like a culmination of his past projects. “Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche” will probably come to known as a standout entry in the German artist's music catalog, showcasing a new facet of his talent.) 25.00
NÜRNBERG - Paharda LP (young and cold - the third album by the Post Punk Band from Belarus is back in stock on Gold Vinyl) 25.00
OPERA MULTI STEEL - Les Passions Tristes LP (young and cold - French Coldwave band from Bourges. Opera Multi Steel was born during the winter of 1983 in Bourges, a city in the center of France. The band started off as a trio with Franck Lopez (Vocals, Keyboards,Recorder, Guitars), his brother Patrick L. Robin (Vocals, Percussion) and Catherine M. Marie (Keyboards, Vocals). They began to record demos utilizing a Elex Keyboard, Casio VL-Tone, Roland TR-606 drum machine, guitars and bass pedals. Layering organ-like keyboards over drum machine snares and a woodwind recorder) 25.00
ROSEGARDEN FUNERAL PARTY - From the Ashes LP (young and cold. - “From the Ashes” is the third full-length studio album by Rosegarden Funeral Party. It is an album about truly letting go.) 27.00
TOMIN - Flores para Verene / Cantos para Caramina LP (international anthem - Tomin is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, bioinformatician, and poet from Brooklyn, New York. His primary instruments are the flute, trumpet and alto clarinet, and he participates in the creative music scene as a performer, improvisor, composer and fan. Outside of music, he works in computational genetics, with a focus on oncology.) 28.00
TWIN TRIBES - Altars LP (young and cold - A darkwave duo of Luis Navarro (Vox/Guitar/Synth) & Joel Niño Jr. (Bass/Synth) from Brownsville, Texas. The band’s tagline is “Dark melodic sounds, synthesizers, lyrics about the undead, the occult and parallel universes.” fantastic remix album with the best dynamic post punk and wave bands of modern times!) 28.00
TWIN TRIBES - Pendulum LP (young and cold - A darkwave duo of Luis Navarro (Vox/Guitar/Synth) & Joel Niño Jr. (Bass/Synth) from Brownsville, Texas. The band’s tagline is “Dark melodic sounds, synthesizers, lyrics about the undead, the occult and parallel universes.”) 27.00
TWIN TRIBES - Shadows LP (Twin Tribes don’t really need a huge introduction anymore. Their two albums on Manic Depression are among the absolute TOP SELLERS on the label! The Vinyl editions are on Young & Cold. Twin Tribes is a Dark Synth / Post Punk duo based in Brownsville, Texas. Formed by Luis Navarro (vocals, guitar, synth, drum machines) and Joel Niño, Jr. (bass, synth, vocals) in 2017. The band gathers their influences from the period of the dark 80's. Dark Wave, Post- Punk and Cold Wave are only a couple of genres that the band summons using analog synthesizers and drum machines. Dark melodic sounds, lyrics of the undead, the occult and parallel universes are what conjure Twin Tribes.) 27.00
X MAL DEUTSCHLAND - Early Singles (1981 - 1982) LP (back in stock on Black & Purple vinyl - "Gothics” - a time before the word goth had even taken shape - believed in the do-it-yourself punk ethos that anyone could pick up an instrument. Gray clouds were starting to form and in the unlikely city of Hamburg, a brazen and haunting gang of five women formed Xmal Deutschland. As any true punk would, Xmal Deutschland’s members Caro May, Rita Simon, Manuela Rickers, Fiona Sangster and Anja Huwe, started the band despite any previous musical experience. The “Schwarze Welt” seven-inch was released on the local punk label, ZickZack, in 1981 and introduced the band as an unsettling swarm of intensity. There’s an urgency in its repetitive dirge, a swirling mania that persists on the b-side with “Die Wolken” and “Großstadtindianer” whose crude synthesizer noises escalate intention. Most of all, Huwe’s uniquely venomous German vocals quickly became embedded in the unbridled and burgeoning scene of glamorous gloom. Punk’s independence from the stiff grip of tradition allowed the band to find solace in anti-establishment art and music, far from the conventions of the past.With their peacocked hair and thick kohl-lined eyes, Xmal Deutschland’s music retained both a restlessness and delicacy, transcending any confines of the “Neue Deutsche Welle” movement (much like their colleagues and friends DAF and Einstürzende Neubauten) with the release of the “Incubus Succubus”single in 1982. It instantly became a post-punk classic. The guitar’s buzz ransacks through the melody as the ghoulish primitiveness of Huwe’s voice teases that maybe, just maybe, she is the nightmarish creature of which to be aware. The b-sides, “Zu Jung Zu Alt” and “Blut Ist Liebe,” keep strict militaristic dance beats as they teem in agitation. That same year, the band performed in London as support for the Cocteau Twins; it was the platform they needed to ricochet into the arms of the ripped fishnet masses. Early Singles (1981-1982), is a map of the foundational movements of Xmal Deutschland, just seconds before takeoff. Bonus tracks on the compilation, “Kaelbermarsch” and a gritty live version of “Allein,” further accentuate their fusion of toughness with the quixotic decadence of atmospheric synthesizers. The band’s pursuit of something greater is palpable with this release, a reflection of a time that introduced accessibility to new means of making music following the onset of punk.) 27.00
YAKIMA JERA - Azrael Take My Hand LP (young and cold - Fascinated by the beauty of nature, the aesthetics of city darkness, the Bavarian Forest at night and the great emotions of people interactions, a cinematic music construct is built. A mélange of the joy of Joy Division, the poems of Patti Smith, the bleakness of Black Metal and the guitar sounds of 80s and 90s pop/punk influences the danceable dynamic sound of desire and reality) 25.00
FREDDY ALVA - Wardance Discography Book (Wardance records out of NYC was an influential passionate Hardcore Label that went in a new direction releasing breath taking classics with bands like Citizens Arrest, Rorschach, 1.6 Band etc. This book compiles the labels discography with photos, liner notes etc.Softcover Book) 17.00
OI! THE BLACK BOOK VOL 2 + CROWN COURT FLEXI (urban styles - Last copies include the Crown Court 2 song Flexi - A Graffiti/Visual art Fanzine paying tribute to the New Blood of Oi! featuring: -40 black book size drawings dedicated to current bands -Articles on Oi! in Peru, Israel & The Basque Country -Gavin Watson Photo Gallery -Interviews with Rogue Trooper (USA), Kong Kong (Sweden), Zakarrak (Basque Country & Shortfuze (Israel) -Skinhead Graffiti Writers feature -New Wave of French Oi! playlist Plus a 2 song Crown Court flexi recorded for this issue (while supplies last)) 30.00
KÜCHENSPIONE - Demo 91 TAPE (Classic ex-GDR recordings from 1991. A long-time centrepiece among punks, now easily accessible. 22 raw Punk songs. Only 210 copies, comes with downloadcode.) 8.00